
Illustratore. Cor purum, caput durum!

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Epiphany 2022

Epiphany 2022

The Befana comes at night
with shoes all broken, 👠
she brings a sack of coal
even to good people. 🙏

“Why to me?” One wonders that
“Was I a rascal?” 😈
And she immediately replies:
“Nobody here is innocent anymore!” 🙇‍♂️

Epiphany every year
the holidays take us away. 🎄
This little-loved Government
the smile took us away! 😢

Best wishes for a good Epiphany… and pay attention to what it will bring us! 👵🧹🧦
(#6gennaio, #Epifania, Epiphany, #Befana, #governodeipeggiori, #NoGreenPass, #fumetti, #vignette, #comics, #cartoons, #illustrations, #illustrationart)


Illustratore. Cuore puro, testa dura!

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